Recent Games And Softwares

The Lord of the Rings War in the North Game Free Download

INFORMATIONS The Lord of the Rings War in the North is a Role Playing PC Video Game. In this game players will have skills that are upgradeable, characters that can be customized, and that conversations play out similarly to Mass Effect without the moral ramifications. Each character also has ranged attacks which they can use, Farin (the dwarf champion) has a crossbow, Eradan (the human ranger) has a bow and Andriel (the elf mage) can cast ranged spells at enemies. All characters also have light and heavy attacks and can roll, block and counter enemy attacks. Players can also issue orders to their AI companions if they are playing

Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 Highly Compressed Free Download

INFORMATIONS Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 Experience a terrifyingly intense co-op campaign for up to four players in this gut-wrenching sequel to Steam best-seller. With World War 2 Europe overrun by legions of the undead, you must find mankind’s salvation deep in the twisted bowels of Berlin by securing the sacred artefacts that unleashed this damnation. Every step must be paid in blood as players work together against impossible odds and descend further into the demon-infested city and the terrifying Führerbunker itself.Tackle the campaign online in co-op for up to four players, or embark on the twisted missions alone if you’ve got t

Wanted Weapon of Fate Highly Compressed Free Download

INFORMATIONS Wanted Weapons of Fate is a Computer  Video Game. Gameplay is a standard third person cover shooter with the ability use adrenaline to slow down time and curve bullets. Some levels contain QTE sequences with on-rail shooter elements. The player controls Wesley, while in flashback sequences, the player controls Cross, Wesley’s father. His father’s curve name is Shrapnel, an explosive bullet. The player also can use other characters that can be unlocked by defeating bosses: the SWAT leader, the Russian, Brummel and The Original Arana/Spider. Set about five hours after the events of the film, Wesley Gibson continues

The Matrix Path of Neo PC Game Free Download

INFORMATION The Matrix Path of Neo is the third video game spin off from the Matrix series. This game allows the player to participate in many of the major action scenes in the films. Most of these sequences, picked by the movie directors themselves, are taken from the first film in the series. At the start of the game, the player is hacker Thomas Anderson, and does not possess any of the powers that the character will later discover as Neo. As the game continues, players learn new skills and techniques, equipping Neo for the final showdown with Agent Smith. These additional skills may be levels and in the main game. Many of these ski

DmC Devil May Cry 5 - Reloaded


Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry 2014

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WWE 2K15 PS3 Games


Far Cry 4 EUR MULTi2 PS3-ANTiDOTE PS3 Games


Adobe CS6 Master Collection


Avast! Internet Security 2014


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